Are you starting a new business, revamping your life, or making changes for prosperity?

Hello from Jeanette Joy Fisher, 

I’ve been in business off and on for fifty years. As an author, I learned how to market online. Most authors fail either because they don’t know grammar and formatting or they don’t know marketing. The pandemic killed our last business startup in its infancy. Thank God we had multiple sources of income. Real estate has been good to me. Today, my partner and I are starting all over with two new businesses. 

I found one of my old articles and intend to follow my own advice. I’m sharing with you because I believe prosperity paves the way to peace, and I want you to prosper.

The Circle of Ten Principles for Business Startups


Do you know your life’s purpose? When you find your reasons, intents, and goals, you can filter the thousands of thoughts flitting through your consciousness. Your life’s mission may define your purpose and give you a guideline for actions. 

Have you created a mission statement? Writing a mission statement lets you imagine what you want to have accomplished by the time your time on Earth is over. You can then imagine the steps you would need to take to achieve that end. Try it. You may be surprised. (By the way, if you use a pen and paper, these exercises get more creative results for most.)


What are your secret heart’s desires? While your purpose may be more spiritual and intellectual, your passion comes from your heart, emotions, and intuition. Get into a meditative state and let your mind wander. What knowledge have you acquired because you loved learning about something of extreme interest? Think about your aspirations, longings, adorations, cravings, and what gives you pleasure.


Let your purpose and passion meld and percolate. Let your creative juices help you see pictures in your mind of actions, events, and results. Imagine and see your vision from concept to completion. Dream something bigger than yourself. Hold thought steadfastly to the good you can bring forth to the world.


Create a plan of action steps forward. You may not see the entire roadmap at first, and circumstances change. Continue picturing the results you want. Listen to your heart. What’s your next best step? Be bold. Take that step. Keep adding action steps, so you make progress daily. Check your old list of goals or To-Do List. You’ll be surprised how many action steps you strike through in a week, a month, or a year.


Along the way, you will start getting things ready to tackle your powerful initial action steps. Work, write, design, post, advertise — whatever you need to do and remember your purpose to motivate yourself. These actions determine your ultimate success. The difference between successful people and those who constantly struggle is that those who achieve their dreams do things they don’t want to do, while those who sit around — take no action. Take the extra measures to advance your progress. Work a little more when you’d rather watch TV. Ask the difficult questions and do the hard things.


It’s time for you to shine! Feel your passion and share from your heart. Love your audience and forget yourself. Give your performance your total concentration. Push yourself to give more than your customers, clients, and even you expect.


Expect to profit from all your hard work. Don’t quit — learn from your mistakes and keep improving. Demand your fair profit for work well done.


Please take pleasure in your success and pay it forward. You deserve happiness just as much as you deserve profits.

Peace of Mind

Peace of mind, a mental state of calmness or tranquility, provides freedom from worry and anxiety. Feel the serenity and stop to enjoy the peace of mind you’ve created for yourself. Express gratitude. 


Guard your thoughts against negativity. Maintain a steady equilibrium of positivity. Your attitude attracts people, clients, partners, and businesses to you. This Perspective Principle also ranks as Number One. Set your perspective thinking straight and recheck your entire Circle of Principles for your business startup.